Taiwan Times Village Steam Train

Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村) at Nantou County, Taiwan

Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村 at Nantou County, Taiwan is our next destination after having steamboat lunch at Good Bar Steamboat Restaurant. Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村 is a place where the visitors are brought into the life of the past of Taiwan. This place is like a live museum. Not only there are vintage stuff but there are also actors and actresses dressed as villagers, farmers and rickshaw driver.

There is also a 1:1 scale train station replica and steam train in this place. Amazingly, everything is under one roof in a big building. This place feels like a time machine that bring us into the past life of Taiwan. Reads on to find out more about this tourist attraction.

Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村 features a 1:1 scale steam train station

One of the main attractions at Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村), the steam train.
The 1:1 scale steam train here. It is actually producing steam once in a while! But it is not actually moving.

The steam train station in Taiwan Times Village.
The steam train and its train station. Train is one of the important transportation in Taiwan.

An empty train station
Another view of the train station. We went to Taiwan Times Village on weekday, so there are not many people here.

The steam train parked at the train station.
Actually, the steam train has the head part only, without the main body. It will be cool if it has full body and we can visit the inside of the train.

Taiwan Times Village’s train station.
The empty train station. Very nicely lit up. A good photography spot in Taiwan Times Village. Or you can shoot a sad video scene here about sending your lover to the war zone.

The ticket counter at the steam train station in Taiwan Times Village.
Saw some staffs in the train station. Not sure if they are acting as train station’s staff or working on something else. From their poses, it looks like they are cooking something.

Getting our steam train ticket here.
There are actually train tickets for sale at the train station. Bought some tickets from the leng zhai here at the train station. At first, we thought we are going inside a real train but actually we just buying the tickets.

Our steam train ticket is actually a luck message.
Our steam train ticket at Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村 is actually a lucky message. Everyone will get a random card of lucky message.

Our steam train ticket is actually a luck message.
Another view of the lucky message train ticket with different background. Keep the card in your wallet for good luck!

Another corner in Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村
Let’s walk around Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村. There are rows of old style shop houses in here. You can actually buy food or souvenirs from the shops.

A trishaw ride at Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村)
Spotted this trishaw in the village, which visitors can take a ride on. The driver will bring you to explore the streets of Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村.

Food stall selling local snacks such as Yao Char Kuay in the village.
Some of the stalls selling traditional snacks such as this Yao Char Kuay. Yao Char Kuay with soy bean milk is one of the popular choices of breakfast in Taiwan.

A corner for some cups of Chinese tea at Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村)
Tired walking around? How about a cup of Chinese tea at this shop?

A classic ice cream truck in the village.
Another stall selling ice cream, upgraded from a traditional bicycle.

The old way of getting water supply at the shop’s corner.
Before there are water supply to each house, the villagers have to come to this spot to get clean water. Eh, wait. Maybe it is a water supply for fireman?

Street performance show at Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村)
There are daily live performances in Taiwan Times Village as well. Read in some blogs that there are more performances on weekend. But the entrance fee is also more expensive on weekend.

Statue of a performer in the village.
Not so sure who is this woman. Her pose looks like a singer. Maybe a popular singer in Taiwan?

Another stall selling local beverages at Taiwan Times Village.
Shop selling Taiwan snacks. The entrance fee actually includes a voucher for you to spend inside the shops in Taiwan Times Village.

An opera costume in Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村)
Spotted this very detailed and well-made opera costume. I guess there are opera shows here but not on the day we visited Taiwan Times Village.

A big bear sitting alone on the street
A sad looking teddy bear sitting on the road side. I wonder where his owner is.

Spacious area for show and performance in the village
A very big empty space corner in Taiwan Times Village. I guess this place is for bigger parades and performances.

A farmer’s corner for photography in the village.
A street showcasing the life of farmers from the past before the ages of machines and automation. Here you get to see the daily tools and cloths used by farmers from the pasts.

Horse carriage for transportation before the car
A horse drawn carriage, one of the transportation before the cars. I think they cannot keep live horses here, so they have to use wooden horses.

A gallery of photos showing the previous generation's life in Taiwan
Galleries of photos explaining the life of the farmers from the past. Visitors can learn some history here.

Old books and magazines corner in the village
A book store in the village with many old books and magazines from the past. I don’t think they are for sale.

Kids fishing stall in the village.
A stall for kids to try their luck at fishing. Can you spot Brown from LINE in the photo above?

A vintage car on display
A vintage car in the village. I cannot recognize the brand of this car.

An artist working on glass arts.
A leng zhai doing some glass art work with real fire.

Some of the souvenirs in Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村
Some of the handmade souvenirs for sale in Taiwan Times Village. I guess it is more expensive to buy souvenirs here at this tourists’ spot.

More types of box games
Snacks and candies in funny boxes. Some of the boxes are from medicine brand, anime shows and movies.

Some game in a box called King of the Shit Note.
One of the snacks packaged in King of the Shit Note box.

Souvenier for sales such as this musical windmill.
Wooden music boxes for sale. There are many types of wooden music boxes in Taiwan if you are looking for one.

Pikachu and other Pokémon made from clay for sale.
Spotted a Pikachu made from clay.

Snorlax is also available here.
Snorlax is also available here.

The simple logo of Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村).

A lion dance at the entrance to the Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村
A Chinese lion on guard at the entrance of the village. I wonder if it is still taking part in lion dance?

The entrance to Taiwan Times Village 寶島時代村
The entrance to the Taiwan Times Village (寶島時代村).  Unfortunately, I saw on Google that this place is permanently close. Before you decide to visit this place, be sure to check with your tour guide if this place is really closed to avoid disappointment. I hope it is not closed as this place provides a lot of fun and potentials for locals and tourists to learn more about the histories and cultures of Taiwan. Until next time, stay tuned for our visit to see flowers at Zhong She Toursight Flower Market (中社观光花市)


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